Diabetic Eye Exam

Diabetic Eye Exam | Cataract surgery in staten island
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes is a pandemic in our country right now. Every patient should have an annual comprehensive dilated diabetic eye exam. Complications from diabetic retinopathy is preventable and manageable.
Dr Xu treats patients of all ages with respect and aims to tailor treatment recommendations for each with diabetic retinopathy.

Call today to schedule an appointment.

Diabetic Eye Exam Service At Drlunaxu
It is commonly said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but they can also provide valuable clues to your overall health.

This is especially true for individuals with diabetes, who are at an increased risk for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic eye exams are crucial to diabetes care, as they can help catch eye problems early and prevent vision loss.

Why Diabetic Eye Exams Are Important:
Diabetic eye exams are important for several reasons. First, they can detect early signs of diabetic eye disease before you experience any symptoms. Second, they can help monitor existing eye conditions and prevent them from worsening. Finally, they can help your eye doctor identify other health problems affecting your eyes.

Types of Diabetic Eye Exams:
There are two main types of diabetic eye exams: dilated eye exams and Optomap retinal exams.

Dilated Eye Exam:
During a dilated eye exam, your eye doctor will use special drops to widen your pupils. This allows them to see the inside of your eye more clearly and check for signs of damage to your retina or optic nerve. Typically, this exam is performed once a year.

Optomap Retinal Exam:
The Optomap retinal exam uses advanced technology to capture a wide-angle view of the retina without dilation. This exam is quick, painless, and can detect early signs of diabetic eye disease. However, it is not a substitute for a dilated eye exam and should also be done.

How Often to Get a Diabetic Eye Exam:
Getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year is recommended by the American Diabetes Association. However, if you have existing eye problems or are experiencing changes in your vision, your doctor may recommend more frequent exams.

Cost of Diabetic Eye Exams:
The cost of a diabetic eye exam can vary depending on location and the type of exam being done. However, most insurance plans cover the cost of annual diabetic eye exams for individuals with diabetes. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses you may have.

Diabetic eye exams are important for managing your diabetes and protecting your vision. Regular exams can help detect eye problems early and prevent them from worsening. Talk to your eye doctor about which exam is best for you and how often you should have it done. Remember, taking care of your eyes is important to your overall health.